This map will be updated frequently as more information is available. If you want your land marked on this map, or see any errors, please use the contact page and send us the land owner name(s) and/or the legal description.

Find out what land is contracted for wind power
Click on the 'Nebraska Deeds - Thayer' and if you put "Monument Road Wind" in the GRANTEE box, then click on the 'SUBMIT' button. This site will then show you properties that have allowed "Monument Road Wind" a financial interest in them, likely via a wind project contract.
FOR OTHER COUNTIES: Click on the "Nebraska Deeds - Other Co." and pick a county from the map by clicking on it. Then put the "wind project name" in the GRANTEE box and click on the 'SUBMIT' button. This site will then show you properties that have allowed "wind project name" a financial interest in them, likely via a wind project contract.
FREE SIGNS for use in Thayer County are available at 210 South 4th Street in Hebron. If no one is there when you stop by, try the building across the street. Usually someone is there M-F from 7:00 to 12:00 and 1:00 to 3:30.
The signs are from Victory II, 24" x 36", 2-sided, red and black on white, flat corregated plastic. You can pierce holes and put wire or zip ties through them, attach to a fence, or nail them to wooden posts.